Girls Dare to Lead Program

We’re preparing girls to lead in every sphere of their lives before & after 18.

Girls Dare to Lead is a leadership development program that amplifies the agency of girls and helps girls see themselves as leaders in a world that often tells them they’re not. It’s never been more important that we empower our girls. That’s where Dare to Lead comes in – helping girls break boundaries and dare the impossible. We equip girls with the leadership, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to be self-assured, resilient, and inclusive everyday leaders, and inspire them to lead boldly. And we want Africa to remove the obstacles in girls’ way and encourage them to lead on their own terms.

Our Approach Works for Girls

Our emphasis on leadership strengths and real talk is empowering and protective. When girls are introduced to a more expansive definition of leadership, they’re more likely to see themselves as leaders. When girls know how to identify and push back against unfair treatment, they’re less likely to internalize limiting messages and blame themselves when they experience bias. And when girls take positive risks and learn new skills, they can feel a powerful sense of agency and accomplishment.

We’re ending poverty by empowering girls to lead.

Empowering girls with skills

The Dare to Lead Program equips girls with the skills they need to navigate today’s challenges through curriculum-based learning, in-school and afterschool programs, and bootcamps. This program was developed to teach girls to build confidence and strong support networks, increase knowledge around reproductive health, empower girls with skills to create wealth and develop their decision-making skills.

The Girls Dare to Lead Program aids in the development and education of girls between the ages of 10 and 18 – a crucial time when a girl’s future potential and opportunities can flourish through education, skills learning, and social support, or be stunted by the irreversible effects of child marriage, early pregnancy, HIV, and other preventable hardships.

We're Creating a Clear Path for Girls through Mentorship and Human Connection

Something as simple as a conversation can start to shift the possibilities girls see for themselves. Through our Girls Dare to Lead program, we’re igniting the power of a generation of young women through mentorship and relationship building. 

In addition to increasing access to opportunities for girls to lead a life of dignity for themselves and their families, our goal is to also advance sexual and reproductive health and rights through evidence-based programming and advocacy. We provide quality services and information to adolescent girls and young women, to ensure that they can access the full range of reproductive health services and take advantage of the best outcomes for their lives.

By building a vibrant community of girls and young women, we’re empowering girls to lead and end poverty, while holding the power to create opportunities for themselves and their communities.

Led by Our Values

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